Merrymeeting Wheelers Bicycle Club


  • 3 Apr 2023 6:01 PM | Rick Smith (Administrator)

    We're going to try new ride Tuesday morning 10am starting 4/4.  We will ride either 18 or 25 miles depending on how much time or desire you have for pastries. The ride will be the same two routes each week. Once things get warmer, the ride will change to 9am.  The goal is to have a chill ride that anyone can participate. The goal is to get warmed up and enjoy an easy ride while checking out the Solo pastries in Bath. My guess is the ride will be around 15mph average speed but if you are retired or on second shift, do you care how slow you might be. nope!

    18 miles with no pastries

    25 miles with pastries -

  • 27 Nov 2019 7:40 AM | Rick Smith (Administrator)

    Here's a great email we received from a volunteer at a youth center where the kids were researching helmet safety.  They actually found our website and were impressed with the findings.  Here's a link they asked us to share.

    My name is Kayla and I volunteer at a youth center with a safety program for kids. I came across your website while discussing cycling, bicycle safety, and the importance of protecting one's head. I want to say thank you!

    One of my girls, Lisa, did some web searches at home and found this page that she brought in for me to see -

    I suggested that she share this with you because it had such great information and I also want to impress upon all my students that by reaching out and simply asking others, like yourself, things can be accomplished that the girls might not otherwise think can.

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